Hello Fluency API

Today we are celebrating the public launch of the Speechace Fluency API, the single largest update to Speechace API ever. Fluency is something we have been working on, in private beta, for several months and we are happy with the quality and capabilities reached and glad to open this use for eLearning developers, educators and publishers across the globe.



With Speechace Fluency API we can analyze and score audio of lengths 2 minutes or longer and evaluate pronunciation as well as additional speaking features such as the speech rate, pausing, hesitation, length of run, and overall word correct per minute. The Speechace Fluency API will assess a number of fluency metrics and estimate the overall speaking fluency of the speaker on the IELTS or PTE Speaking rubrics.


The Fluency API adds a number of new activities and use cases that can now be built with Speechace:

1. IELTS Speaking Pronunciation and Fluency score estimate based on the IELTS Speaking band descriptors

2. PTE Read Aloud task score estimate based on the PTE Speaking Score Guide

3. Assessing oral reading fluency on the Hasbrouk-Tindal ORF standard

In addition to overall score estimates, the API provides segment by segment scores and metrics enabling detailed feedback to the student to identify weaknesses and practice and repeat. Here is an example activity demonstrating IELTS speaking practice using the Speechace Fluency API.



The activity shows the student an overall score estimate as well sentence by sentence feedback with sub-scores and detailed feedback on mistakes and weaknesses. You can try out or build similar activities yourself today.

How To get Started:
1. Try a sample IELTS Speaking activity that uses the API here.

2. Review the Fluency API docs and example results here.

3. Request access to an API key here.


We look forward to activities and experiences that you can build with this new API. You can always reach out to us at support at speechace dot com with questions or to speak to an expert on how to speech enable your application or learning site.


All the best,


The Speechace team.

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